Rapprochement with Saudi to positively impact on regional peace, stability: Iran

Rapprochement with Saudi to positively impact on regional peace, stability: Iran

[ad_1] Tehran: The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has said that the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia will have positive impacts on regional peace, stability and security. Making the remarks at his first press conference in the current Iranian calendar year, Nasser Kanaani said on Monday that the Beijing-brokered agreement between Iran … Read more

Why Saudi-Iran Rapprochement Is Chinese Victory?

Why Saudi-Iran Rapprochement Is Chinese Victory?

[ad_1] by Asad Mirza The manner in which China has brokered a peace deal between arch-foes, Saudi Arabia and Iran, it may help China to emerge as a global peacemaker, eclipsing the USA. President Xi Jinping with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman (Mbs) in Riyadh on December 9, 2022 Last week … Read more

Saudi-Iran rapprochement: A victory for China

Saudi-Iran rapprochement: A victory for China

[ad_1] The manner in which China has brokered a peace deal between two arch foes: Saudi Arabia and Iran may help Beijing to emerge as a global peacemaker, eclipsing the US. Last week a major diplomatic coup was staged by China, when it announced the results of its successfully mediated efforts, of bringing two old … Read more