US NSA meets Saudi Crown Prince, Indian and Emirati counterparts

US NSA meets Saudi Crown Prince, Indian and Emirati counterparts

[ad_1] Washington: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met the Saudi Crown Prince and his Indian and Emirati counterparts in Saudi Arabia during which they discussed bilateral and regional matters and their shared vision of a more secure and prosperous Middle East region interconnected with India and the world. The meeting took place in Jeddah … Read more

Prince Narula, Gautam Gulati refuse to work with Rhea Chakraborty?

Prince Narula, Gautam Gulati refuse to work with Rhea Chakraborty?

[ad_1] Mumbai: The much-anticipated reality show Roadies is back with a bang, and it’s time for some action-packed entertainment! The anticipation is palpable, thanks to an all-star panel of judges that includes Gautam Gulati, Sonu Sood, Prince Narula, and Rhea Chakraborty. However, as with any new season, controversy is unavoidable. When it was announced that … Read more

Anointment of Prince Charles as monarch deeply religious

Anointment of Prince Charles as monarch deeply religious

[ad_1] While enlightened intellectuals of India scoff at traditions and rituals it is of interest to note the Coronation ceremony of Britain’s new King Charles III, is full of traditions and religion. A significant moment in the coronation will be the “anointment” ceremony of a king – a purely religious part of the coronation ceremony … Read more

Unending story of Prince Mukarram Jah; could he have been the Caliph of Muslim world?

Unending story of Prince Mukarram Jah; could he have been the Caliph of Muslim world?

[ad_1] Hyderabad: Like the famous Thousand and One Night (Alf Laila wa Laila) unending episodes, stories from the enigmatic treasure trough of Prince Mukarram Jah keep tumbling out. One is more intriguing than the previous one. Alexander Azam Jah, the son of his second wife, Australian Helen, was conspicuous by his absence during his funeral. He has … Read more

Prince Harry and the return of the phone hacking scandal – podcast

[ad_1] Support The Guardian The Guardian is editorially independent. And we want to keep our journalism open and accessible to all. But we increasingly need our readers to fund our work. Support The Guardian [ad_2] #Prince #Harry #return #phone #hacking #scandal #podcast ( With inputs from : )

Has time run out for Prince Harry’s case against Murdoch press?

Has time run out for Prince Harry’s case against Murdoch press?

[ad_1] Prince Harry’s attempt to arrange a high court showdown with Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper company depends on one thing: did the prince meet a deadline to file his legal paperwork? This week’s legal hearing at the high court in London has been full of fresh revelations about the relationship between royalty and the media. There … Read more

Ivory displayed at Prince William’s palace despite his criticism of trade

Ivory displayed at Prince William’s palace despite his criticism of trade

[ad_1] For more than a decade, Prince William has spoken out vehemently against the use of ivory, calling it “a symbol of destruction, not of luxury”. The royal patron of the anti-ivory charity Tusk has lobbied leaders in China, the US and countries across Africa. He has even said that he wants to destroy all … Read more

‘Set up for failure’: the wild story behind the car crash interview which destroyed Prince Andrew

‘Set up for failure’: the wild story behind the car crash interview which destroyed Prince Andrew

[ad_1] A Pizza Express in Woking. The inability to sweat. A tendency to be “too honourable”. Prince Andrew’s 2019 Newsnight interview was a bonanza of bizarre excuses – in which he disastrously tried to defend himself from allegations that he had sex with a 17-year-old girl trafficked by his friend Jeffrey Epstein. Greeted with a … Read more

As Prince Harry battles the press, why have the other royals given up the fight? | Zoe Williams

As Prince Harry battles the press, why have the other royals given up the fight? | Zoe Williams

[ad_1] Prince Harry has long alleged that the royal family – “the Institution”, as he calls it – is locked in a trap of appeasement with the tabloid media. In their Netflix documentary, both he and Meghan talked about how they were savaged by the redtops, while the palace made no attempt to curtail their … Read more

Charles undermined late queen’s plan to sue News UK, Prince Harry tells court

Charles undermined late queen’s plan to sue News UK, Prince Harry tells court

[ad_1] Queen Elizabeth II personally threatened Rupert Murdoch’s media company with legal proceedings over phone hacking only for her efforts to be undermined by the then Prince Charles, the high court has heard. Prince Harry said his father intervened because he wanted to ensure the Sun supported his ascension to the throne and Camilla’s role … Read more