Black Caucus presses Senate Dems to blow up tradition on judges

Black Caucus presses Senate Dems to blow up tradition on judges

[ad_1] So the Black Caucus, joined by a coalition of progressive groups, is turning up the heat on Senate Democrats in what’s becoming the most consequential battle over chamber rules since Democrats tried last year to weaken the filibuster. “I don’t know why anyone, let alone Senate Democrats, would hold up a Jim Crow practice,” … Read more

Appeals court presses pause on House GOP subpoena to former Trump prosecutor

Appeals court presses pause on House GOP subpoena to former Trump prosecutor

[ad_1] Bragg then sued Jordan and the Judiciary panel, seeking a court order preventing the House from enforcing the subpoena. While the Judiciary committee has contended that it wants to study the potential effects that the threat of a future prosecution could have on a president while he is in office, Bragg argued that the … Read more

House GOP presses agencies on small business rules

House GOP presses agencies on small business rules

[ad_1] House Small Business Republicans, led by Chair Roger Williams of Texas, sent letters to 25 agencies Wednesday. | Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/AP Photo House GOP lawmakers are launching a sweeping oversight effort aimed at ferreting out how agencies across the federal government weigh the potential impact on small businesses when crafting regulations. House Small Business Republicans, … Read more

RS Chairman Dhankar presses for breach of privilege notice against 12 opposition MPs

RS Chairman Dhankar presses for breach of privilege notice against 12 opposition MPs

[ad_1] Delhi: Continuing the action against unruly MPs in the Rajya Sabha following the suspension of Congress MP Rajni Patil for the entire Budget Session, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar has given his consent for the privilege committee to examine the conduct of 12 MPs from the opposition. “Members are informed that the Chairman, Rajya Saba … Read more

Bommai presses for US consulate in Bengaluru

Bommai presses for US consulate in Bengaluru

[ad_1] Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday stressed the need to open a US consulate in Bengaluru. His statement came after meeting the US Charge d’Affaires Elizabeth Jones and Consul General in Chennai Zudith Revin here. He said currently, the nearest US Consulate is in Chennai and it is causing problems for travellers … Read more

Rajya Sabha sees verbal skirmishes as Oppn presses for JPC probe

Rajya Sabha sees verbal skirmishes as Oppn presses for JPC probe

[ad_1] New Delhi: Verbal skirmishes between treasury and opposition benches that forced frequent interventions by the Chair marked the proceedings in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday as the opposition parties targeted the government on the Adani issue pressing for a JPC probe. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the House during the debate on the Motion … Read more

Black caucus presses Biden to use the bully pulpit to push for police reform

Black caucus presses Biden to use the bully pulpit to push for police reform

[ad_1] The White House and the Black community find themselves at another tragic and all-too-familiar inflection point: eager to respond to another police killing of a Black man that has captured the nation’s attention but with limited capacity to do so. Horsford and the Black caucus plan on leading a full court press to show … Read more