Brussels Playbook: Macron ‘unfollows’ Washington — Ukraine’s spring surprise — ChatGPT meets Europe

Brussels Playbook: Macron ‘unfollows’ Washington — Ukraine’s spring surprise — ChatGPT meets Europe

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. GOOD MORNING and happy Easter! This is Nick Vinocur, bringing you Playbook from an unusually sunny Brussels. We sometimes poke fun at the grisaille around here, but this week the country outdid itself: glorious sunshine for days in the Ardennes, where your author spent a … Read more

Playbook Deep Dive: What Trump’s indictment means

Playbook Deep Dive: What Trump’s indictment means

[ad_1] Well, I mean, in terms of the characters, yes, you’re right that this is all sort of a throwback to 2016-2018 period. But, you know, one of the people who’s testified twice, I believe, in front of this grand jury and who is central to this whole episode and who I believe has never … Read more

German Christian Democrats rewrite Merkel’s China playbook

German Christian Democrats rewrite Merkel’s China playbook

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. BERLIN — Germany’s Christian Democrats, the country’s largest opposition group, are planning to shift away from the pragmatic stance toward China that characterized Angela Merkel’s 16 years as chancellor, claiming that maintaining peace through trade has failed. It’s a remarkable course change for … Read more

Macron faces no-confidence votes amid nationwide protests

Macron faces no-confidence votes amid nationwide protests

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. PARIS — Emmanuel Macron’s government faces several motions of no confidence in the National Assembly Monday after his government forced through a deeply unpopular pensions reform bill last week. Protesters took to the streets in major cities over the weekend, after the government … Read more

Brussels Playbook Munich Security Conference Special Edition: ‘Crimes against humanity’ — Slaying Goliath — Popping balloons

Brussels Playbook Munich Security Conference Special Edition: ‘Crimes against humanity’ — Slaying Goliath — Popping balloons

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. GUTEN MORGEN, Grüß Gott and Servus from Bavaria! Welcome to our special Munich Security conference edition of Playbook with that latest news, analysis and gossip from what some affectionately refer to as the “Davos with guns” festival. We’re smack dab in the middle … Read more

Washington launches a new Google battle — with an old playbook

Washington launches a new Google battle — with an old playbook

[ad_1] And Australia — where regulators already followed their European counterparts in forcing social media companies to pay publishers whenever their content appeared on these platforms — officials are also mulling similar changes to create bespoke rules for tech giants after the country’s competition regulator admitted its current powers hadn’t kept pace with industry. “Google … Read more

Borrow the opposition playbook? House GOP weighs the ultimate ‘tit for tat’

Borrow the opposition playbook? House GOP weighs the ultimate ‘tit for tat’

[ad_1] “They’ve almost changed the rules,” House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) told POLITICO. “[Are] we going to continue that pattern? Look, we want to get as much information as we can get, and they’ve written a new playbook, so we’ll have to talk about it as a committee and as a conference.” Republican … Read more