Russian navy ship photographed near Nord Stream pipelines before blasts

Russian navy ship photographed near Nord Stream pipelines before blasts

[ad_1] A Russian navy vessel specialising in submarine operations was photographed near the sabotaged Nord Stream gas pipelines just prior to the mysterious September blasts, according to the Danish daily newspaper Information. The prosecutor leading Sweden’s investigation into the sabotage confirmed the existence of the hitherto publicly unknown photographs. “I’m aware of the information from … Read more

Mumbai’s main water pipelines burst, half the city to suffer water cuts

Mumbai’s main water pipelines burst, half the city to suffer water cuts

[ad_1] Mumbai: A major water main pipeline was damaged and burst during the construction of a water culvert near the Mulund Octroi Checkpost in Mumbai on Monday afternoon, the BMC Disaster Control said. The 2,345 mm Mumbai-2 mainline, which supplies water from the Pise-Panjrapur Treatment Plant Complex, was damaged during the ongoing work carried out … Read more

Cut off by Europe, Putin pins hopes on powering China instead

Cut off by Europe, Putin pins hopes on powering China instead

[ad_1] Chinese President Xi Jinping’s marathon three-day visit to Moscow was hailed by the Kremlin as the dawn of a new age of “deeper” ties between the two countries, as Russia races to plug gaping holes left in its finances by Western energy sanctions. But while Vladimir Putin insisted a new deal struck during the … Read more

Who blew up Nord Stream?

Who blew up Nord Stream?

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Nearly six months on from the subsea gas pipeline explosions, which sent geopolitical shockwaves around the world in September, there is still no conclusive answer to the question of who blew up Nord Stream. Some were quick to place the blame squarely at … Read more

In Nord Stream bombings probe, German investigators see Ukraine link, reports say

In Nord Stream bombings probe, German investigators see Ukraine link, reports say

[ad_1] BERLIN — German prosecutors have found “traces” of evidence indicating that Ukrainians may have been involved in the explosions that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September 2022, according to German media reports Tuesday. Investigators identified a boat that was potentially used for transporting a crew of six people, diving equipment and … Read more

Russian nuclear fuel: The habit Europe just can’t break

Russian nuclear fuel: The habit Europe just can’t break

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Europe is on track to kick its addiction to Russian fossil fuels, but can’t seem to replicate that success with nuclear energy a year into the Ukraine war. The EU’s economic sanctions on Russian coal and oil permanently reshaped trade and left Moscow … Read more

John Kirby denies U.S. sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines

John Kirby denies U.S. sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines

[ad_1] Hersh wrote on Substack earlier this month, based on a single anonymous source, that the U.S. was involved in the sabotage of the pipelines. Asked by Bream whether the administration would have an obligation to inform Congress of such an operation, Kirby said: “Obviously, we keep Congress informed appropriately of things both classified and … Read more

Putin is staring at defeat in his gas war with Europe

Putin is staring at defeat in his gas war with Europe

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. There’s more bad news for Vladimir Putin. Europe is on course to get through winter with its vital gas storage facilities more than half full, according to a new European Commission assessment seen by POLITICO. That means despite the Russian leader’s efforts to … Read more