Mounting Tensions in Pakistan: Army’s Grip on Elections Sparks Fears of Unrest and Turmoil

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The Election Commission of Pakistan has announced that elections to Pakistan’s Parliament will be held in the last week of January, 2024. The question is whether they will be free and fair ?  Presently 90-95% of Pakistanis support former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his PTI party ( as all opinion polls indicate ), and … Read more

Why are Pakistan Generals so hostile to Imran khan ?

Justice Markandey Katju

I have been wondering why the Pakistan army is so hostile to former Prime Minister Imran Khan ? After all, he has overwhelming popular support in Pakistan, as he is regarded as broadly honest, as compared to the PDM leaders who are perceived by the people of Pakistan to be totally corrupt ( as indeed the Panama Papers and other evidence shows ), and his PTI party will sweep the polls if eletions are held ( as all opinion polls indicate ).

Pervez Musharraf No More

Pervez Musharraf No More

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: Pakistan Former chief of army staff and President Pervez Musharraf has passed away on Sunday at American Hospital in UAE after a prolonged illness. Media reports quoting his family members said the former general succumbed to Amyloidosis. He was hospitalised for a couple of weeks due to a complication of his ailment, per … Read more