North Korea Reveals A New Cruise Missile-Armed Corvette

"North Korean Pukkuksong-3 Corvette on display during a naval parade, showcasing its cruise missile capability."

In a move that has caused a stir and elevated territorial pressures, North Korea has disclosed another voyage rocket furnished corvette, stamping one more expansion to its developing munititions stockpile of military equipment. The disclosure came during a maritime motorcade held in Pyongyang on [Date], exhibiting the country’s assurance to support its sea capacities. The … Read more

Japan prime minister vows to boost G7 security after smoke bomb attack

Japan prime minister vows to boost G7 security after smoke bomb attack

[ad_1] Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said he would increase security at G7 meetings taking place in his country, a day after a man threw a smoke bomb at him at a campaign event. Kishida was campaigning Saturday ahead of next week’s by-elections for the Japanese parliament when an explosive device was hurled toward him. … Read more

What the hell is wrong with TikTok? 

What the hell is wrong with TikTok? 

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Western governments are ticked off with TikTok. The Chinese-owned app loved by teenagers around the world is facing allegations of facilitating espionage, failing to protect personal data, and even of corrupting young minds. Governments in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand … Read more