Opinion | Ukraine Needs a Roadmap to NATO Membership ASAP

[ad_1] This means taking steps to ensure that Ukraine 1) wins this war and reestablishes full control over its internationally recognized 1991 borders; and 2) is fully anchored in the security and economic arrangements that from 1945 until 2014 made Europe a continent of peace, prosperity and cooperation. The transatlantic community can only be stable … Read more

Austin huddles with leaders in Sweden as momentum builds for NATO bid

Austin huddles with leaders in Sweden as momentum builds for NATO bid

[ad_1] “We encourage our allies, Türkiye and Hungary, to ratify Sweden’s accession as soon as possible,” Austin later said at a joint press conference with Jonson in front of the Visby-class corvette Härnösand, a new class of ships designed for stealth and countering undersea mines and submarines. “Sweden’s membership in NATO is going to mean … Read more

Germany can’t fulfill NATO obligations, says army chief in leaked memo

Germany can’t fulfill NATO obligations, says army chief in leaked memo

[ad_1] BERLIN — Germany’s land forces cannot fulfill their NATO commitments, according to a leaked memo from a top soldier cited in a German media report. A division that Germany promised to NATO isn’t fully ready for battle, Bild newspaper reported Tuesday, citing a routine “leadership message” from Alfons Mais, the army’s inspector general, to … Read more

Finland is now officially a NATO member

Finland is now officially a NATO member

[ad_1] BRUSSELS — Finland formally joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Tuesday, becoming its 31st member on the same day as NATO’s 74th anniversary. The country applied to join NATO last May in a foreign policy U-turn prompted by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Finland’s entry brings to the alliance a new 1,340-kilometer border with … Read more

A wartime NATO struggles to replace its chief

A wartime NATO struggles to replace its chief

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. It’s the rumor inflating the Brussels bubble: The EU’s top executive, Ursula von der Leyen, could be crossing town to run NATO.  The rationale makes sense. She has a good working relationship with Washington. She is a former defense minister. And as European … Read more

Finland to join NATO on Tuesday 

Finland to join NATO on Tuesday 

[ad_1] Finland will formally become a full-fledged NATO ally on Tuesday, the alliance’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Monday.  “This is an historic week,” the NATO chief told reporters. “Tomorrow, we will welcome Finland as the 31st member of NATO, making Finland safer and our alliance stronger.”  A ceremony marking Finland’s accession is set to take … Read more

Finland cleared to join NATO following Turkish vote

Finland cleared to join NATO following Turkish vote

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. The Turkish parliament on Thursday unanimously ratified Finland’s accession to NATO, effectively allowing Helsinki to join the military alliance but leaving Sweden out in the cold. Finland could now become a formal member of NATO within days.  “All 30 NATO members have now … Read more

Finland on course for NATO membership after Hungarian vote

Finland on course for NATO membership after Hungarian vote

[ad_1] The Hungarian parliament ratified Finland’s NATO membership on Monday, putting Helsinki one step closer to joining the alliance but leaving Sweden waiting in the wings.  Members of Hungary’s parliament voted by a margin of 182 to 6 in favor of Finnish accession. Helsinki now only needs the Turkish parliament’s approval — expected soon — … Read more

US urges Turkey to ‘quickly’ ratify Sweden’s NATO membership

US urges Turkey to ‘quickly’ ratify Sweden’s NATO membership

[ad_1] Washington: After Turkey approved the process of ratifying Finland’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the US welcomed the decision of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and said that America encourage Ankara to “quickly ratify Sweden’s accession protocols as well.” In the statement, released by the White House, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said, “The United States welcomes President Erdogan’s … Read more

NATO is racing to arm its Russian borders. Can it find the weapons?

NATO is racing to arm its Russian borders. Can it find the weapons?

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. BRUSSELS — Add NATO’s military planners to the list of those concerned about having enough shells.  In the coming months, the alliance will accelerate efforts to stockpile equipment along the alliance’s eastern edge and designate tens of thousands of forces that can rush … Read more