15 Years After Raping, Murdering Minor, Killer Gets Lifer

15 Years After Raping, Murdering Minor, Killer Gets Lifer

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: Srinagar drunkard, who kidnapped, raped and brutally murdered a minor in 2007 was today awarded life imprisonment. The sentence is to be confirmed by the High Court. “I award life imprisonment to the convict Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh S/o Abdul Rashid Sheikh R/o Akhrajpora Rajbagh Srinagar for the commission of the offence under section … Read more

Court Convicts Drunkard In Ikhrajpora Minor’s Rape, Murder In 2007

Court Convicts Drunkard In Ikhrajpora Minor’s Rape, Murder In 2007

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: In the shocking case of kidnapping, raping and murder of a minor girl in Ikhrajpora, the court has convicted Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh and the quantum of punishment is to be awarded on March 14. Justice “It is established that the accused at the time of occurrence was major, a grown-up aged more than … Read more