Europe’s disunity over China deepens

Europe’s disunity over China deepens

[ad_1] BRUSSELS — Just when you thought Europe’s China policy could not be more disunited, the two most powerful countries of the European Union are now also at odds over whether to revive a moribund investment agreement with the authoritarian superpower. For France, resuscitating the so-called EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is “less urgent” and “just … Read more

MEPs approve plans for long-awaited overhaul to EU asylum system

MEPs approve plans for long-awaited overhaul to EU asylum system

[ad_1] The European parliament has approved a series of proposals to overhaul the EU asylum system in a bid to end a years-long deadlock over the issue. Voting in Strasbourg, MEPs approved plans on the distribution of refugees and migrants across the bloc, screening of people at the EU’s external borders and giving non-EU nationals … Read more

MEPs cling to TikTok for Gen Z votes

MEPs cling to TikTok for Gen Z votes

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. It may come with security risks but, for European Parliamentarians, TikTok is just too good a political tool to abandon. Staff at the European Parliament were ordered to delete the video-sharing application from any work devices by March 20, after an edict last … Read more

ChatGPT broke the EU plan to regulate AI

ChatGPT broke the EU plan to regulate AI

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence’s newest sensation — the gabby chatbot-on-steroids ChatGPT — is sending European rulemakers back to the drawing board on how to regulate AI. The chatbot dazzled the internet in past months with its rapid-fire production of human-like prose. It declared its love … Read more

Shock, anger, betrayal: Inside the Qatargate-hit Socialist group

Shock, anger, betrayal: Inside the Qatargate-hit Socialist group

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. BRUSSELS — The European Parliament’s Socialists are warily eyeing their colleagues and assistants, wondering which putative ally might turn out to be a liar as new details emerge in a growing cash-for-favors scandal. Long-simmering geographic divisions within the group, Parliament’s second largest, are … Read more

Russian diamonds lose their sparkle in Europe

Russian diamonds lose their sparkle in Europe

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. In the European bubble in Brussels, diamonds aren’t anyone’s best friend anymore.  The Belgian government’s reluctance to ban imports of Russian diamonds, which would hurt the city of Antwerp, a global hub for the precious stones, has outraged Ukraine and its supporters within … Read more

Europe is running out of medicines

Europe is running out of medicines

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. When you’re feeling under the weather, the last thing you want to do is trek from pharmacy to pharmacy searching for basic medicines like cough syrup and antibiotics. Yet many people across Europe — faced with a particularly harsh winter bug season — … Read more