Rishi Sunak is haunted by ghosts of prime ministers past

Rishi Sunak is haunted by ghosts of prime ministers past

[ad_1] LONDON — “Back to her old self again” was how one erstwhile colleague described Liz Truss, who made her return to the U.K.’s front pages at the weekend.  That’s exactly what Rishi Sunak and his allies were afraid of.  Truss, who spent 49 turbulent days in No. 10 Downing Street last year, is back. … Read more

The Great British Walkout: Rishi Sunak braces for biggest UK strike in 12 years

The Great British Walkout: Rishi Sunak braces for biggest UK strike in 12 years

[ad_1] LONDON — Public sector workers on strike, the cost-of-living climbing, and a government on the ropes. “It’s hard to miss the parallels” between the infamous ‘Winter of Discontent’ of 1978-79 and Britain in 2023, says Robert Saunders, historian of modern Britain at Queen Mary, University of London. Admittedly, the comparison only goes so far. … Read more