UK’s Truss warns of Western ‘weakness’ over China in wake of Macron visit

UK’s Truss warns of Western ‘weakness’ over China in wake of Macron visit

[ad_1] LONDON — Former U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss will take a not-so-subtle swipe at Emmanuel Macron over his attempt to build bridges with Beijing. In a Wednesday morning speech to the Heritage Foundation think tank in Washington, D.C. Truss will argue that too many in the West have “appeased and accommodated” authoritarian regimes in … Read more

The end of Boris Johnson

The end of Boris Johnson

[ad_1] Tanya Gold is a freelance journalist. Boris Johnson’s political career ended on Wednesday, with stuttering and fake politesse. Seated before a U.K. House of Commons committee poised to rule on whether he lied to parliament about Partygate, Johnson was far from his element. Beneath the ghost of his famous bonhomie and the half-conceived rhetoric, … Read more

Biden rebuffs UK bid for closer cooperation on tech

Biden rebuffs UK bid for closer cooperation on tech

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — Britain was rebuffed by the Biden administration after multiple requests to develop an advanced trade and technology dialogue similar to structures the U.S. set up with the European Union. On visits to Washington as a Cabinet minister over the past two … Read more

Rishi Sunak in final push to get Brexit done

Rishi Sunak in final push to get Brexit done

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — Boris Johnson may have coined the phrase, but Rishi Sunak hopes he’s the man who can finally claim to have “got Brexit done.” The British prime minister will on Monday host European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in what’s being … Read more

Inside the deal: How Boris Johnson’s departure paved the way for a grand Brexit bargain

Inside the deal: How Boris Johnson’s departure paved the way for a grand Brexit bargain

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — It was clear when Boris Johnson was forced from Downing Street that British politics had changed forever. But few could have predicted that less than six months later, all angry talk of a cross-Channel trade war would be a distant memory, … Read more

Liz Truss: UK should have ‘done more earlier’ to counter Vladimir Putin

Liz Truss: UK should have ‘done more earlier’ to counter Vladimir Putin

[ad_1] LONDON — Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss argued the U.K. should have “done more earlier” to counter Vladimir Putin’s rhetoric before he invaded Ukraine, and said the West depended on Russian oil for too long. Truss — the U.K.’s shortest-serving prime minister who resigned amid market turmoil last year — was speaking in … Read more

Rishi Sunak is haunted by ghosts of prime ministers past

Rishi Sunak is haunted by ghosts of prime ministers past

[ad_1] LONDON — “Back to her old self again” was how one erstwhile colleague described Liz Truss, who made her return to the U.K.’s front pages at the weekend.  That’s exactly what Rishi Sunak and his allies were afraid of.  Truss, who spent 49 turbulent days in No. 10 Downing Street last year, is back. … Read more