Over 1100 Vehicles Break Free From Stranded Limbo: Cross Zojila En Route Kargil

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: After days of being stranded on the Srinagar-Sonamarg-Gumri (SSG) road, over 11,000 vehicles have finally made their way towards Kargil as officials worked to clear the path through the Zojila pass. An official said that the vehicles, both private and commercial transports, had been stuck due to heavy snowfall and landslides in the … Read more

Appeals court ruling puts hundreds of Jan. 6 felony cases in limbo

Appeals court ruling puts hundreds of Jan. 6 felony cases in limbo

[ad_1] But Judge Florence Pan, who wrote the majority opinion, said it was the wrong time to decide that broad question because the three defendants whose cases were before the court were all also charged with assaulting police. There’s little question that those who assaulted police that day acted with “corrupt intent.” But in Jan. … Read more