Kupwara’s Keran shows up on tourism map as violence wanes along LoC

[ad_1] Keran,  May 09: With the authorities in Kashmir working for the promotion of offbeat tourism destinations, the ever-increasing tourist footfall to Keran along Line of Control is opening ample opportunities for people. Keran located on the Line of Control (LoC) in Kupwara district is emerging as a new tourism destination. The remote sector was … Read more

Doctors assist in childbirth over WhatsApp call in J-K’s snow-covered Keran

Doctors assist in childbirth over WhatsApp call in J-K’s snow-covered Keran

[ad_1] WhatsApp Srinagar: With snowfall ruling out the possibility of airlift, a pregnant woman who had a history of labour complications in the remote Keran in Jammu and Kashmir was assisted by doctors in delivering a healthy baby over a WhatsApp call. “On Friday night, we received a patient in labour at the Keran PHC … Read more

Doctors deliver baby 3 Idiots style in Kupwara’s Keran

[ad_1] Jahangeer Ganaie Srinagar, Feb 12: Doctors in the Keran area of north Kashmir’s frontier Kupwara district have managed a delivery of a baby without a gynaecologist, in a 3 Idiots style. Both mother and baby are safe. BMO Kralpora Dr M Shafi while talking to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that on … Read more

Doctors deliver baby 3 Idiots style in Kupwara’s Keran

[ad_1] Jahangeer Ganaie Srinagar, Feb 12: Doctors in the Keran area of north Kashmir’s frontier Kupwara district have managed a delivery of a baby without a gynaecologist, in a 3 Idiots style. Both mother and baby are safe. BMO Kralpora Dr M Shafi while talking to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that on … Read more