Justice Katju Calls for the Release of Alleged Political Prisoners in India


To my Brothers and Sisters Judges of the Supreme Court of India  I respectfully appeal to you to revisit the cases of the people in jail mentioned below whom I believe are innocent and have been wrongly incarcerated due to political vendetta by the Modi Government, quash the bogus charges against them, and free them.  … Read more

Long live Ali Amin Gandapur

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Ali Amin Gandapur is the Chief Minister of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ( KP ) in Pakistan, and belongs to former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party, the PTI. https://globalpolitics.in/pakistan/pakistan-short-notes.php?recordNo=856&url=Who%20is%20Sardar%20Ali%20Amin%20Gandapur,%20PTI%E2%80%99s%20Chief%20Minister%20for%20Khyber%20Pakhtunkhwa? His recent fiery defiant speech has not only aroused the people of KP but also the whole of Pakistan Also Read: The Greatest Sex Scandal … Read more

Allahabad High Court Declares UP Madrasa Education Act Unconstitutional

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The Allahabad High Court, by a verdict given on 22.3.2024  has declared the UP Board of Madarsa Education Act, 2004 to be unconstitutional, being against the principle of secularism. https://www.firstpost.com/india/studying-in-madrasa-violates-secularism-allahabad-hc-declares-madarsa-education-unconstitutional-13752135.html https://www.newsclick.in/explained-why-has-allahabad-hc-struck-down-madarsa-act The full judgment is given below : https://www.livelaw.in/pdf_upload/anshuman-singh-rathore-vs-union-of-india-thru-secy-ministry-of-edu-new-delhi-and-3-others-2024-livelaw-ab-189-allahabad-high-court-529904.pdf I agree with the verdict that madarsa education violates the constitutional principle of secularism. It also … Read more

Justice Katju Urges Joint Holi Celebrations in Pakistan and Bangladesh

Justice Katju Urges Joint Holi Celebrations in Pakistan and Bangladesh

Holi, the festival of colour, is falling on 25th March this year. I appeal to Pakistanis and Bangladeshis of all communities to celebrate it together. Before 1857 Hindus would participate in Eid and Muharram, and Muslims in Holi and Diwali together, and there was no communal feeling among them. There were no communal riots or … Read more

Death anniversary of Bhagat Singh

Death Anniversary of Bhagat Singh

Today, 23rd March, is the death anniversary of one of my heroes, Bhagat Singh I have expressed my views about him in several articles, facebook posts, blogs, and youtube videos, given below, so I am not repeating them. Many people say that India got Independence because of Gandhi. I totally disagree. A real freedom struggle is … Read more

Justice Katju Claims China Behind Farmers’ Agitation To Stop BJP’s Victory In 2024 Elections

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Who is behind the ongoing Indian farmers agitation ? There was a Farmers’ Agitation in India in 2020-2021, which died down when the farmers’ demand of repeal of 3 agricultural laws was accepted by the Government of India Now, shortly before the forthcoming parliamentary elections, another farmers agitation, mainly led by farmers of Punjab demanding … Read more

Justice Katju’s Wake-Up Call to Indian Muslims: For Progressive Social Reform

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In view of the recent political developments in India, bad days seem to be ahead for Indian Muslims. Indian Muslims, who are about 213 million or 15% of India’s population of about 1400 million ( according to Pew Research Centre ) are today totally confused and perplexed about what they should do. After 2014 they have been … Read more

Pakistani’s behaved stupidly in celebrating India’s defeat

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I was sad to see on youtube many Pakistani’s celebrating India’s defeat in the World Cup Cricket final by Australia, as if Pakistan had won the World Cup. Many Pakistanis distributed sweets, danced, and did other foolish things These silly and misguided people did not realise that it was their own defeat too, since India and … Read more

Justice Katju Challenges Christian Beliefs: Jesus as a Reformer, Not Divine Figure

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Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God, that he was resurrected to life after the third day of his death by crucifixion, that he performed miracles, etc, etc. As an atheist I obviously cannot believe all this. When there is no God, how can there be a son of God ? How can a dead … Read more