B2V4 followup: DDC Shopian, Director JK-EDI (Prabhari Officer) visit Shadab Karewa

B2V4 followup: DDC Shopian, Director JK-EDI (Prabhari Officer) visit Shadab Karewa

[ad_1] SHOPIAN, FEBRUARY 25: The District Development Commissioner, (DDC) Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya and Director Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI), Ajaz Ahmad Bhat (Prabhari Officer, B2V4 ) today visited Shadab Karewa in Shopian district under the ongoing follow up stage of Back to Village-4 and took review of the development activities and other … Read more

Govt Committed To Nurture, Build Robust Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: JKEDI Director

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: To nurture an entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking among youth, Jammu and Kashmir entrepreneurship development institute (JKEDI) today organized a day-long entrepreneurship awareness programme (EAP) in coordination with Himalayan Degree College at Rajouri. Ajaz Ahmad Bhat, Director, JKEDI attended the event as the chief guest. He is on a tour to twin border … Read more