Sorting Ukraine in a day and blasting Meghan: 7 things we learned in Trump’s Farage interview

Sorting Ukraine in a day and blasting Meghan: 7 things we learned in Trump’s Farage interview

[ad_1] LONDON — Frost/Nixon it was not. But at least the golf course got a good plug. Brexit firebrand Nigel Farage bagged a half an hour sit-down interview with Donald Trump on Wednesday as part of the former U.S. president’s trip to his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland. The hardball questions just kept on coming … Read more

Western firms say they’re quitting Russia. Where’s the proof?

Western firms say they’re quitting Russia. Where’s the proof?

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. BERLIN — In an earlier life as a reporter in Moscow, I once knocked on the door of an apartment listed as the home address of the boss of company that, our year-long investigation showed, was involved in an elaborate scheme to siphon billions … Read more