Fed’s Powell faces Wall Street firing line on Capitol Hill

Fed’s Powell faces Wall Street firing line on Capitol Hill

[ad_1] It’s clear the push is already getting traction. Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), joined by nine other Republicans who will be in a position to grill Powell this week, told the Fed chair in a letter Friday that there’s no reason to hike capital requirements for the banks. “Nobody is going to miss the point … Read more

‘Who is behind them?’: UFO fever grips Capitol Hill

‘Who is behind them?’: UFO fever grips Capitol Hill

[ad_1] “The most troublesome aspect is: What’s going on? Where are they coming from? Who is behind them?,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) asked on Monday. “We get weather balloons, we understand weather balloons. But if it’s not weather balloons, what are they? Who is sending them? That bothers me.” While the 118th Congress is off … Read more