Will procure every grain of damaged paddy: KCR to Telangana farmers

Will procure every grain of damaged paddy: KCR to Telangana farmers

[ad_1] Hyderabad: Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao assured the peasant families that the state government will procure every grain of the damaged paddy due to untimely rains. KCR appealed to the farmers not to worry about the Paddy which got wet due to rains. He made it clear that the state government will pay … Read more

Eastern Europeans face Brussels backlash over Ukraine grain bans

Eastern Europeans face Brussels backlash over Ukraine grain bans

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. European Union politicians and officials have rounded on the front-line Eastern states of Poland, Hungary and Slovakia for imposing import bans on Ukrainian farm produce, denouncing the curbs as illegal and counterproductive. The three countries banned imports of Ukrainian grain and other food … Read more

Hungary joins Poland in banning grain from Ukraine to protect local farmers

Hungary joins Poland in banning grain from Ukraine to protect local farmers

[ad_1] Budapest: Hungary has joined Poland in banning the import of grain and other food products from Ukraine, in an effort to protect its domestic farming industry, according to official sources. The ban, which was announced by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture late Saturday night, is temporary and will last until June 30. Ukrainian grain … Read more

Ukraine’s bumper grain exports rile allies in eastern EU

Ukraine’s bumper grain exports rile allies in eastern EU

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Ukraine’s farmers played an iconic role in the first weeks of Russia’s invasion, towing away abandoned enemy tanks with their tractors. Now, though, their prodigious grain output is causing some of Ukraine’s staunchest allies to waver, as disrupted shipments are redirected onto neighboring … Read more

Turkish President announces extension of Black Sea grain deal

Turkish President announces extension of Black Sea grain deal

[ad_1] Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday announced an extension of the Black Sea grain deal, CNN reported. However, he did not reveal details regarding the expiration date of the deal. The deal was brokered by the United Nations and Turkey last July to ensure safe passage for ships carrying grain exports from … Read more

Ukraine cheers rollover of grain deal, but Russia objects again

Ukraine cheers rollover of grain deal, but Russia objects again

[ad_1] A deal allowing Ukrainian grain exports to pass through the blockaded Black Sea has been extended for 120 days, Ukraine announced Saturday, but Russia again griped that it would only assent to a full rollover if its own exports of food and fertilizer are freed up. Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov thanked “all our partners … Read more

Ukraine’s grain harvest to reach 49.5 mn ton this year: Forecast

Ukraine’s grain harvest to reach 49.5 mn ton this year: Forecast

[ad_1] Kiev: Ukraine is forecast to have a grain harvest of about 49.5 million ton this year, the Interfax-Ukraine news agency reported, citing a forecast by the Economy Ministry. While commenting on the forecast, Ukrainian First Deputy Economy Minister Denys Kudin said on Wednesday that the projected harvest will enable Ukraine to fully cover its … Read more