Tony Gonzales and a coalition of Hispanic Republicans are warning that a Judiciary border proposal isn’t ready for “prime time.”

Tony Gonzales and a coalition of Hispanic Republicans are warning that a Judiciary border proposal isn’t ready for “prime time.”

[ad_1] The group warned they won’t let some of their conservative colleagues call the shots on their own. [ad_2] #Tony #Gonzales #coalition #Hispanic #Republicans #warning #Judiciary #border #proposal #isnt #ready #prime #time ( With inputs from : )

The Texas GOP censured Tony Gonzales after he broke with his party on a number of votes. 

The Texas GOP censured Tony Gonzales after he broke with his party on a number of votes. 

[ad_1] State party officials were particularly outraged at his votes for modest gun control and in favor of same-sex marriage. [ad_2] #Texas #GOPcensured #Tony #Gonzales #broke #party #number #votes ( With inputs from : )