Florida Legislature votes to ban gender-affirming care for minors

Florida Legislature votes to ban gender-affirming care for minors

[ad_1] The legislation the House approved on a 83-28 vote, SB 254, is less restrictive than previous versions of the measure. One of those versions sought to bar private insurance companies from covering gender-affirming care to minors and adults and forbid any changes to gender on birth certificates for transgender individuals. But the sponsor of … Read more

Indiana governor signs ban on gender-affirming care

Indiana governor signs ban on gender-affirming care

[ad_1] Opponents of the legislation said the types of care the bill would ban, such as hormone therapy and puberty blockers, are vital and often life-saving for transgender kids. Medical providers say most of the procedures banned in the bill are reversible and safe for minors. Transgender medical treatments for children and teens have been … Read more

West Virginia governor signs ban on gender-affirming care

West Virginia governor signs ban on gender-affirming care

[ad_1] Under the law, which will take effect in January 2024, a patient can be prescribed puberty blockers and hormone therapy after receiving parental consent and a diagnosis of severe gender dysphoria from two doctors, including a mental health provider. Gender dysphoria is defined by medical professionals as severe psychological distress experienced by those whose … Read more

Groups sue to stop Florida’s gender-affirming care ban for kids

Groups sue to stop Florida’s gender-affirming care ban for kids

[ad_1] The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association support gender-affirming care for adults and adolescents. But medical experts said gender-affirming care for children rarely, if ever, includes surgery. Instead, doctors are more likely to recommend counseling, social transitioning and hormone replacement therapy. “The transgender medical bans also violate the guarantees of equal … Read more