John Thune says Chuck Schumer’s plan for a vote on an Equal Rights Amendment resolution may not have an easy road ahead.

John Thune says Chuck Schumer’s plan for a vote on an Equal Rights Amendment resolution may not have an easy road ahead.

[ad_1] “It only takes 41 to block [the measure],” Thune said. “I think it will be a heavy lift [for Democrats].” [ad_2] #John #Thune #Chuck #Schumers #plan #vote #Equal #Rights #Amendment #resolution #easy #road #ahead ( With inputs from : )

‘Discrimination in Shariat law’: SC to hear plea on equal property share to females

‘Discrimination in Shariat law’: SC to hear plea on equal property share to females

[ad_1] New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear a plea filed by a Muslim woman who claimed the provision of Shariat law to the extent of not giving an equal share to a female compared to a male is “discriminatory” and violative of the rights guaranteed under the Constitution. A bench of … Read more

India Inc should take equal blame for trade imbalance with China: Jaishankar

India Inc should take equal blame for trade imbalance with China: Jaishankar

[ad_1] Pune: The businesses should share equal responsibility for the skewed trade balance with China, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Thursday, blaming India Inc for not developing sufficient sourcing capabilities within the country. Stating that the government’s flagship ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative pitching for self-reliance is a corrective attempt, Jaishankar warned that “massive external … Read more