US NSA meets Saudi Crown Prince, Indian and Emirati counterparts

US NSA meets Saudi Crown Prince, Indian and Emirati counterparts

[ad_1] Washington: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met the Saudi Crown Prince and his Indian and Emirati counterparts in Saudi Arabia during which they discussed bilateral and regional matters and their shared vision of a more secure and prosperous Middle East region interconnected with India and the world. The meeting took place in Jeddah … Read more

UAE: Private companies must hire Emirati staff by July 1 or face fines

UAE: Private companies must hire Emirati staff by July 1 or face fines

[ad_1] Abu Dhabi: The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation said private sector companies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) need to hire more Emiratis by July 1 or face fines. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation sent out a reminder informing private sector companies that they have less than four months to achieve … Read more