Horrors of Drug Abuse Staged in Dakh-e-Loor At Tagore Hall

[ad_1] by Maleeha Sofi SRINAGAR: Given the rise in drug addiction in Kashmir, the seventh play of Theatre Festival Kashmir 2023 staged the consequences of the menace. The name Dakh-e-Loor (Walking stick or walking cane) implies the old age support of people that are their children who are ruined due to drugs. The play is … Read more

15 Years After Raping, Murdering Minor, Killer Gets Lifer

15 Years After Raping, Murdering Minor, Killer Gets Lifer

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: Srinagar drunkard, who kidnapped, raped and brutally murdered a minor in 2007 was today awarded life imprisonment. The sentence is to be confirmed by the High Court. “I award life imprisonment to the convict Zahoor Ahmad Sheikh S/o Abdul Rashid Sheikh R/o Akhrajpora Rajbagh Srinagar for the commission of the offence under section … Read more