Dianne Feinstein digs in

Dianne Feinstein digs in

[ad_1] “Ro Khanna has no influence on her whatsoever,” said one California Democrat granted anonymity to discuss the senator’s thinking, referring to the first sitting lawmaker who publicly called on her to resign. Feinstein “is not going to respond to pressure.” The resolve bubbling up from Feinstein’s orbit adds yet more fuel to the Democratic … Read more

Dianne Feinstein’s legacy will be defined by these moments

Dianne Feinstein’s legacy will be defined by these moments

[ad_1] The CIA report The assault weapons bill set Feinstein against the NRA. Her quest to uncover intelligence abuses spurred an extraordinarily contentious fight with a less predictable foe: a Democratic administration. As chair of the powerful Intelligence Committee, Feinstein was determined to examine the Central Intelligence Agency’s program of detention and interrogation after the … Read more

Dianne Feinstein’s extremely awkward, very uncomfortable exit from the political stage

Dianne Feinstein’s extremely awkward, very uncomfortable exit from the political stage

[ad_1] Sen. Dianne Feinstein arrives at the U.S. Capitol Building. | Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images Feinstein, the longest-serving Democrat in the Senate, is in the midst of one of the most uneasy codas to a political career. Her extended pre-departure has, for many of her fellow Democrats, turned into an abject lesson in the perils of … Read more