Tracking Kevin McCarthy’s promises to GOP critics as debt ceiling fight looms

Tracking Kevin McCarthy’s promises to GOP critics as debt ceiling fight looms

[ad_1] It was one of House conservatives’ biggest demands: more representation on key committees and in senior roles. They got both, and they’re still bragging about it. At a House Freedom Caucus fundraiser in Tennessee last month, the conservative group’s chair Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) boasted to donors about what it extracted from McCarthy. That … Read more

Debt ceiling fight heads to battleground NYC suburbs

Debt ceiling fight heads to battleground NYC suburbs

[ad_1] As both parties gaze toward a tumultuous 2024 election cycle, the president’s visit is already putting the Hudson Valley’s moderate Republicans, who narrowly won a handful of toss-up seats six months ago, back on the defensive. The economic tremors associated with a busted debt ceiling could be felt quickly by their constituents. “It’s exactly … Read more

Biden says he’s exploring 14th amendment to defuse debt ceiling standoff

Biden says he’s exploring 14th amendment to defuse debt ceiling standoff

[ad_1] “I said I would come back and talk,” he said. “The one thing I’m ruling out is default, and I’m not going to pass a budget that has massive cuts.” The president’s remarks came at the White House shortly after a meeting he called “productive” with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the three other … Read more

It could’ve been worse: White House debt meeting ends with plans for a repeat

It could’ve been worse: White House debt meeting ends with plans for a repeat

[ad_1] Aides to the four party leaders in each chamber of Congress and White House staff will continue talks during the week, McCarthy said, and the players will convene again on Friday. Democratic leaders said separately that party leaders would begin discussing a possible budget and spending deal as soon as Tuesday evening — a … Read more

Feinstein returning to D.C. as debt limit fight heats up

Feinstein returning to D.C. as debt limit fight heats up

[ad_1] Her travel back to Washington follows a conversation last week with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in which she said she could return as soon as this week. It is not yet clear if Feinstein will participate in Tuesday night’s floor votes. “I’m glad that my friend Dianne is back in the Senate and … Read more

Senate GOP leaders watch debt limit collide with their coveted farm bill

Senate GOP leaders watch debt limit collide with their coveted farm bill

[ad_1] “They’re related for sure,” Thune said of the debt limit talks and farm bill. “For better or worse, pretty much everything that we’re going to do subsequent to the debt limit discussion depends on how all that plays out.” Fresh in Senate GOP leaders’ minds: The 2011 sequestration fight, which resulted in steep spending … Read more

Here’s who misses checks if the U.S. hits the debt brink in June

Here’s who misses checks if the U.S. hits the debt brink in June

[ad_1] While its far from certain how, exactly, the Treasury Department would handle a default — including whether it would prioritize certain payments or delay paying the government’s bills — the think tank noted that about $50 billion in Social Security benefits are set to go out in the first half of June, in addition … Read more

Why McConnell and McCarthy locked arms on the debt crisis

Why McConnell and McCarthy locked arms on the debt crisis

[ad_1] McConnell’s move helps McCarthy’s negotiating position — and perhaps just as importantly, it boosts his own standing within a Senate Republican conference that has shifted rightward, a lurch that sparked the first-ever rebellion against his leadership last fall. McConnell said Biden isn’t the first president he’s pushed to work with a House controlled by … Read more

No good options if Congress fails to raise the debt limit, Yellen says

No good options if Congress fails to raise the debt limit, Yellen says

[ad_1] Once that date hits, “really that’s it,” Yellen said on “This Week.” “We have been using extraordinary measures for several months now, and our ability to do that is running out.” The debate over the debt limit has left Democrats and Republicans in a deadlock, and so far neither side seems ready to budge. … Read more

Senate Republicans will stand firm on debt ceiling, Mike Lee says

Senate Republicans will stand firm on debt ceiling, Mike Lee says

[ad_1] The letter, which was sent to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, said Senate Republicans backed House Republicans in supporting “spending cuts and structural budget reform as a starting point for negotiations on the debt ceiling.” Democrats have a slim majority in the Senate but not enough to prevent a Republican filibuster on legislation. “Whenever … Read more