Washington’s Angriest Progressive Is Winning Over Conservatives – and Baffling Old Allies

Washington’s Angriest Progressive Is Winning Over Conservatives – and Baffling Old Allies

[ad_1] “BOOM!!!!,” tweeted Stoller. That made Buttigieg, in American Economic Liberties Project parlance, a Democrat with “the courage to learn.” Needling Democrats, though, is perhaps less of a challenge for Stoller with the left than his biggest project at the moment: helping the anti-monopoly cause get traction on the right, too. That some elements on … Read more

The RNC chose Fox for first debate but rankled conservatives by entertaining CNN

The RNC chose Fox for first debate but rankled conservatives by entertaining CNN

[ad_1] Many top Republicans are convinced that the debates — what format they take, who is allowed to participate and how they are designed — will play an outsize role in determining who wins the primary. They may also winnow down the field: Party officials say they are likely to implement thresholds in order for … Read more

Trump’s standing among Hill conservatives dims ahead of ’24

Trump’s standing among Hill conservatives dims ahead of ’24

[ad_1] “They’re conservative,” Lankford added of his constituents, “but they’re dealing with personality there as well and are trying to figure out: Where do we go as a nation?” Lankford is staying neutral in his state, where Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) bested Trump in the 2016 primary. And he’s got plenty of company. Even as … Read more

Conservatives gloat as Congress starts off with little to show

Conservatives gloat as Congress starts off with little to show

[ad_1] It’s a preview of the long slog that Washington expects during divided government. But the limping pace is also a textbook example of the strategy some Republicans hope to execute for the next two years, running out the clock on Biden’s presidency and betting on beating him in 2024. Summing up the view of … Read more