The Forgotten Sovereigns of the Colorado River

[ad_1] The resulting report confirmed much of what tribes had complained about for decades: unfinished infrastructure projects that had been promised long ago as part of federal settlements, onerous restrictions on where and how tribes could put their water to use, and some 500,000 acre-feet a year that flowed down the river without compensation. Historically, … Read more

Biden admin sidesteps painful decisions for Colorado River cuts

Biden admin sidesteps painful decisions for Colorado River cuts

[ad_1] In an interview, Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau told POLITICO that the department’s current approach is aimed not just at equipping the department to act unilaterally if needed, but also providing “markers” to states as they negotiate. “I really do think there is unity in the basin to continue and strive for a consensus … Read more

Shrinking Colorado River hands Biden his first climate brawl

Shrinking Colorado River hands Biden his first climate brawl

[ad_1] The current feud centers on California, a longtime Democratic stronghold, and Arizona, a newfound swing state that has proven crucial to the party’s control of the White House and Senate. The 1,450-mile long Colorado River made much of the West inhabitable, and now supplies water to 40 million Americans from Wyoming to the border … Read more

Biden administration is caught between California and its neighbors in Colorado River fight

Biden administration is caught between California and its neighbors in Colorado River fight

[ad_1] “The states are not going to reach an agreement. We are just too far apart,” said Rep. Greg Stanton (D-Ariz.), who represents the Phoenix area. “Now is the time that we need this administration to come up with a solution to this dilemma, and we need it now.” California is insisting on its legal … Read more

Colorado baker loses appeal over transgender birthday cake

Colorado baker loses appeal over transgender birthday cake

[ad_1] Relying on the findings of a Denver judge in a 2021 trial in the dispute, the appeals court said Phillips’ shop initially agreed to make the cake but then refused after Scardina explained that she was going to use it to celebrate her transition from male to female. “We conclude that creating a pink … Read more