Trump world booked CNN hoping for a big audience. Now, they’re in the thick of it.

Trump world booked CNN hoping for a big audience. Now, they’re in the thick of it.

[ad_1] The verdict comes on the eve of Trump’s town hall in New Hampshire moderated by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, a 31-year-old anchor and correspondent who gained a reputation for challenging Trump while she covered the White House. Trump signaled that he would take a combative approach to any questions around the case, writing on Truth … Read more

Trump goes mainstream on CNN. The rest of the pack sucks wind

Trump goes mainstream on CNN. The rest of the pack sucks wind

[ad_1] “He’s trying to win back everyone he can win back,” said Ron Gidwitz, a Republican fundraiser who served as Trump’s ambassador to Belgium but who questioned whether Trump has the “gravitas” necessary to be president again. “I think he believes he’s got the ability that if he can talk to people, he can persuade … Read more

CNN ousts host Don Lemon, who responds with fiery tweet

CNN ousts host Don Lemon, who responds with fiery tweet

[ad_1] “At no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I have loved at the network. It is clear that there are some larger issues at play,” he wrote. Shortly after Lemon’s announcement, CNN characterized the situation as the company having “parted ways” … Read more

The RNC chose Fox for first debate but rankled conservatives by entertaining CNN

The RNC chose Fox for first debate but rankled conservatives by entertaining CNN

[ad_1] Many top Republicans are convinced that the debates — what format they take, who is allowed to participate and how they are designed — will play an outsize role in determining who wins the primary. They may also winnow down the field: Party officials say they are likely to implement thresholds in order for … Read more

Haley: CNN anchors age comment ‘rolls off my shoulders’

Haley: CNN anchors age comment ‘rolls off my shoulders’

[ad_1] “A woman’s age doesn’t define her either personally or professionally,” Lemon tweeted. “I have countless women in my life who prove that every day.” “He made that comment,” Haley said. “I wasn’t sitting there saying sexist, middle-aged CNN anchors need mental competency tests, although he may have just proven that point.” Haley, who is … Read more