My email to the new Chief Justice of Pakistan

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To Hon’ble Qazi Faez Isa Chief Justice Of Pakistan Islamabad Dear Brother, Congratulations on becoming the new Chief Justice of Pakistan.  I saw your oath taking on the internet, and was touched by your fine gesture of asking your wife to stand by your side while taking oath. However, I must tell you that you will be put to two … Read more

In the name of God, go !

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The Chief Justice of Pakistan, Umar Ata Bandial, retired yesterday, 16th September, 2023. What is his legacy ? How will he be remembered ? No Judge is perfect. Some are short tempered and rude in court, some are dim witted and often cannot understand the lawyer’s argument, some know little law, some talk too much … Read more

Letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan and other SC judges

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To Hon’ble The Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial and his Companion Judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan Islamabad Dear Brothers/Sister,I am writing this letter to you as a brother Judge of India with great grief and anguish in my heart. As you know, the Islamabad High Court has today suspended the sentence on … Read more

If I was made Chief Justice of Pakistan : Justice Katju

Justice Katju

I recently gave an interview online to a Pakistani journalist, Sohrab Barkat of, which is below There were over 670 comments on Youtube after the interview was displayed. Among these were some comments, probably from Pakistanis, that I should be made Chief Justice of Pakistan ( CJP ). The possibility is remote, but if … Read more