‘What I saw was terrifying’: Britons land in Cyprus after Sudan escape

‘What I saw was terrifying’: Britons land in Cyprus after Sudan escape

[ad_1] Terrifying, crazy, desperate, relieved. These were the words that instantly came to mind as British citizens caught in the crosshairs of the conflict engulfing Sudan described their elation at being brought to safety during a fragile 72-hour truce. In Cyprus, on the first leg of their journey back home, the evacuees spoke of anger … Read more

‘It’s not medical tourism, it’s desperation’: rising number of Britons resort to treatment abroad

‘It’s not medical tourism, it’s desperation’: rising number of Britons resort to treatment abroad

[ad_1] Cathy Rice had been in all-consuming pain for 18 months when she decided to fly to Lithuania. “I was going up the stairs on my hands and knees. I couldn’t get to the shop. I had no quality of life,” she says. Rice, 68, who has four grandchildren, had been told she needed a … Read more