Sorting Ukraine in a day and blasting Meghan: 7 things we learned in Trump’s Farage interview

Sorting Ukraine in a day and blasting Meghan: 7 things we learned in Trump’s Farage interview

[ad_1] LONDON — Frost/Nixon it was not. But at least the golf course got a good plug. Brexit firebrand Nigel Farage bagged a half an hour sit-down interview with Donald Trump on Wednesday as part of the former U.S. president’s trip to his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland. The hardball questions just kept on coming … Read more

Why Joe Biden’s whirlwind trip to Belfast went better than it looked

Why Joe Biden’s whirlwind trip to Belfast went better than it looked

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. BELFAST — He came, he saw … and he got the hell out as fast as he could. But Joe Biden’s brief visit to Northern Ireland across Tuesday night and Wednesday — 18 hours total, about half of them in bed — featured … Read more

The end of Boris Johnson

The end of Boris Johnson

[ad_1] Tanya Gold is a freelance journalist. Boris Johnson’s political career ended on Wednesday, with stuttering and fake politesse. Seated before a U.K. House of Commons committee poised to rule on whether he lied to parliament about Partygate, Johnson was far from his element. Beneath the ghost of his famous bonhomie and the half-conceived rhetoric, … Read more

Rishi Sunak picks his way through budget minefield

Rishi Sunak picks his way through budget minefield

[ad_1] LONDON — “Better than the last guy” might not be quite the tagline every world leader hopes for. It could yet be Rishi Sunak’s winning formula. The British prime minister, swept into office late last year by wave after wave of Tory psychodrama, has cleared several major hurdles in the space of the past … Read more

Inside the deal: How Boris Johnson’s departure paved the way for a grand Brexit bargain

Inside the deal: How Boris Johnson’s departure paved the way for a grand Brexit bargain

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — It was clear when Boris Johnson was forced from Downing Street that British politics had changed forever. But few could have predicted that less than six months later, all angry talk of a cross-Channel trade war would be a distant memory, … Read more

Rishi Sunak in final push to get Brexit done

Rishi Sunak in final push to get Brexit done

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — Boris Johnson may have coined the phrase, but Rishi Sunak hopes he’s the man who can finally claim to have “got Brexit done.” The British prime minister will on Monday host European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in what’s being … Read more

Rishi Sunak vows closer tracking of ‘controlling and coercive’ domestic abusers

Rishi Sunak vows closer tracking of ‘controlling and coercive’ domestic abusers

[ad_1] LONDON — Domestic abusers face stricter monitoring under a clampdown unveiled by Rishi Sunak Monday. The U.K. prime minister kicks off the week with a package of planned reforms aimed at cutting down on the “appalling” crimes, including new duties on a host of public bodies to keep track of and manage convicted offenders. … Read more

Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon quits

Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon quits

[ad_1] Nicola Sturgeon is resigning as Scotland’s first minister in a move that stunned her pro-independence party and fired the starting pistol on the race to succeed her. The Scottish National Party leader — who has led the party and the country’s devolved government since 2014 — made the shock announcement at a hastily arranged … Read more

Britain’s semiconductor plan goes AWOL as US and EU splash billions

Britain’s semiconductor plan goes AWOL as US and EU splash billions

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — As nations around the world scramble to secure crucial semiconductor supply chains over fears about relations with China, the U.K. is falling behind. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the world’s heavy reliance on Taiwan and China for the most advanced chips, which … Read more

The Great British Walkout: Rishi Sunak braces for biggest UK strike in 12 years

The Great British Walkout: Rishi Sunak braces for biggest UK strike in 12 years

[ad_1] LONDON — Public sector workers on strike, the cost-of-living climbing, and a government on the ropes. “It’s hard to miss the parallels” between the infamous ‘Winter of Discontent’ of 1978-79 and Britain in 2023, says Robert Saunders, historian of modern Britain at Queen Mary, University of London. Admittedly, the comparison only goes so far. … Read more