Russia deploying newest tank in Ukraine battlefield

Russia deploying newest tank in Ukraine battlefield

[ad_1] Moscow: Amid talk of a Ukrainian counter-offensive doing rounds, Russia has introduced its most advanced T-14 ‘Armata’ main battle tank to the battlefield after fitting it with additional protection, media reports said on Tuesday. “The Russian forces have begun to use the newest Armata tanks to fire at Ukrainian positions but they haven’t participated … Read more

Leaked military documents on Ukraine battlefield operations circulated as early as March

Leaked military documents on Ukraine battlefield operations circulated as early as March

[ad_1] The materials that circulated in early March were uploaded on a Discord, an encrypted messaging app. They appear to be photos of slide deck printouts that were folded up and then smoothed out again. They have since been posted on other social media websites, including Twitter and Telegram. It’s unclear who originally obtained the … Read more

Russian body armor on the battlefield in Ukraine has links to China

Russian body armor on the battlefield in Ukraine has links to China

[ad_1] While it’s unclear if the Russian military’s use of the Klass vests is widespread, it is the first confirmation that Chinese-made protective equipment is being used by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. The new information highlights how Russia continues to rely on China for help propping up its war effort in Ukraine despite western pressure … Read more