Vinesh asks cousin Babita not to weaken wrestlers’ protest

Vinesh asks cousin Babita not to weaken wrestlers’ protest

[ad_1] New Delhi: A war of words broke out on Saturday between Phogat cousins Vinesh and Babita with the former asking the latter not to “weaken” the ongoing protest by the wrestlers against WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. The country’s top wrestlers, including Vinesh, Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia, have been protesting since Sunday, … Read more

Babita alleges oversight panel member snatched report from her, ‘ridiculous’ says Radhica

Babita alleges oversight panel member snatched report from her, ‘ridiculous’ says Radhica

[ad_1] New Delhi: Former wrestler Babita Phogat on Tuesday claimed that fellow oversight committee member Radhica Sreeman snatched the final report on sexual harassment allegations against WFI chief Bri Bhushan Sharan Singh from her before she could read the findings in full, a charge vehemently denied by the former sports administrator. Babita, who was included … Read more

Wrestling row: Babita Phogat joins oversight committee

Wrestling row: Babita Phogat joins oversight committee

[ad_1] Delhi: Commonwealth Games gold medallist wrestler Babita Phogat has joined the oversight committee formed to probe the various allegations against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. Formed by the Sports Ministry, the oversight committee is carrying out an enquiry into the allegations of sexual misconduct, harassment, intimidation, financial irregularities and … Read more