Tilak Varma: The Emerging Cricket Prodigy Poised to Conquer the International Arena

Tilak Varma: The Emerging Cricket Prodigy Poised to Conquer the International Arena

A Glimpse into the Rising Star’s Early Life and Cricketing Beginnings Tilak Varma’s relationship with cricket was practically predestined from the beginning because he is from a country that loves the game. He started polishing his abilities on the neighborhood playgrounds of his birthplace after being born with a natural love for the game. Hours … Read more

Hyderabad: Arena Polo, a horse and rider fest fit for kings

Hyderabad: Arena Polo, a horse and rider fest fit for kings

[ad_1] Hyderabad: The recent HPRC International Women’s Arena Polo Tournament, jointly staged by the HPRC, Polo Yatra and United States Polo Association (USPA) had everything a sports fan would look for–high action, entertainment and glamour. Although no player had a handicap higher than one, with just half a point separating the two teams, the final between … Read more