Tucker Carlson is not an antiwar populist rebel. He is a fascist | Jason Stanley

Tucker Carlson is not an antiwar populist rebel. He is a fascist | Jason Stanley

[ad_1] Fox News has finally broken ties with its most popular star, Tucker Carlson. His ousting has been bemoaned by some commentators, who have taken Carlson to be a rebellious anti-war populist, evading easy political characterization. But is it really so complicated to classify Carlson’s political ideology? In late February 2022, then Fox News anchor … Read more

Russian father jailed after daughter made anti-war drawing goes on the run

Russian father jailed after daughter made anti-war drawing goes on the run

[ad_1] A man sentenced to two years in prison in a case launched against him after his daughter drew an anti-war picture at school is on the run from the authorities, a spokeswoman for a provincial court told journalists.  Earlier Tuesday, a judge in the town of Yefremov in Russia’s Tula region, south of Moscow, … Read more

Russian anti-war journalist reappears in Paris after fleeing house arrest in Russia – video

[ad_1] Marina Ovsyannikova, the former Russian state TV editor who famously interrupted a live news broadcast to protest against the start of the Ukraine war, has described her escape from house arrest in Moscow and how she fled across Europe to seek asylum in France. ‘We went in so many different directions I don’t even know what … Read more