PSOE and Podemos head to the plenary session of 7-M without agreeing on the ‘yes is yes’ and bankrupt by the war

[ad_1] Sánchez passes before the seats of Belarra and Montero during a session in Congress. / PS With the negotiation broken on the reform of the law, Robles and Albares reply to Belarra that Spain will not send soldiers to Ukraine The clock is ticking but the initial positions are not moving even one iota … Read more

Nawaz Sharif wants me sent to jail before agreeing for elections: Imran Khan

Nawaz Sharif wants me sent to jail before agreeing for elections: Imran Khan

[ad_1] Lahore: Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday claimed that PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif’s condition for agreeing to hold elections is to first disqualify him and send him to jail, media reports said. Before elections, Nawaz Sharif wants me to be disqualified and sent to jail, Imran Khan said in a televised address, … Read more