Telangana: Doctors body slams Harish Rao for inaction on RMPs conducting illegal abortions

Telangana: Doctors body slams Harish Rao for inaction on RMPs conducting illegal abortions

[ad_1] Telangana Health and Finance Minister Harish Rao. (Photo: IANS) Hyderabad: The Healthcare Reforms Doctors Association (HRDA) on Thursday slammed Telangana health minister T Harish Rao for ‘restricting’ authorities from taking action against Rural Medical Practitioners (RMP) in the state. The Doctors’ body cited a news article on illegal abortions being held in a Sanjeevini … Read more

Florida Republicans seek ban on abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy

Florida Republicans seek ban on abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy

[ad_1] He told reporters after his address that he would sign the abortion bill into law. Republicans have supermajorities in the House and Senate, so Democrats have no ability to stop the legislation from going forward. The abortion proposal is a clear signal that DeSantis will support hard-right conservative priorities ahead of his likely 2024 … Read more