SIA Raids Multiple Locations In Srinagar


SRINAGAR: State Investigation Agency (SIA) is carrying out raids at multiple locations in summer capital Srinagar on Friday morning as part of its investigation of a militancy related case registered at SIA.

Quoting reliable sources news agency KDC reported that the sleuths of the investigating agency with the assistance of the local police and the CRPF carried out raids in summer capital Srinagar in almost five locations.

The searches are being carried out at the residences of Fareeda Begum w/o Late Fayaz Ahmad Sheikh at Bulbul-Bagh Barzulla, Zubair Ahmad and Zuhaib Ahmad S/O Mohammad Ramzan Bhat at Jawaharnagar, Waseem Ahmad Magray and his brother Anwar Bashir S/o Bashir Ahmad Magray R/o Tawheed colony Natipora.

They said that the raids are being carried out at other locations also.

An official said raids are being conducted in connection with a militancy case already registered at the SIA. The details of the case will be shared later, he said.

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