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Shashank Kulkarni conferred PhD degree by Central University of Jammu

Writer, poet and agricultural policy scientist Shashank Kulkarni has been awarded PhD in Public Policy and Public Administration by the Central University of Jammu. The topic of his dissertation was ‘Policy Ecocide and National Policy for Farmers: A Case Study of Farm Suicide in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra’. For this research, he got the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sanjiv Jain, Vice-Chancellor of the University and Prof. Dr. Ruchi Chaudhary, Head of the Department.

Shashank Kulkarni is an internationally renowned Agricultural Policy Scientist from village Sakharale (Urun-Islampur) of Maharashtra. He is currently working as Faculty in the Department of Public Policy and Public Administration, Central University of Jammu. He was the founding scholar of the direct PhD program in the department. He has done important work as Senior Research Fellow of University Grants Commission. He has been honored by various countries of the world for his research and writing work.

He has written more than ten books in Marathi, Hindi, English languages ​​on various subjects. He has written in various national and international research journals. He has played an important role in the establishment of Pujya Dwarkanath Shastri National Research Centre.

He is also known as the founder of ‘Baba Laxman Das Rashtriya Smarak Nirman Seva Samiti’, an innovative social and spiritual movement of Jammu and Kashmir. He has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the famous Swahili University in South America in recognition of his fundamental research work in the context of India’s agricultural policy.

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