Sánchez, on the ‘Mediator case’: «We stop corruption»


Pedro Sanchez. / PS

The President of the Government defends the diligence of his party by expelling the Socialists involved in the plot

MEAS Madrid

Pedro Sánchez spoke this Monday night for the first time, in his capacity both as President of the Government and as leader of the PSOE, on the ‘Mediator case’ that questions the party when it is being investigated, at the epicenter of the plot for alleged purchase of favors and extortion to businessmen, the former socialist deputy, expelled for the case, Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo. Asked about the investigations in Telecinco, Sánchez assured that he is taking them “very seriously” because he came to power after a motion of censure for the irregularities of ‘Gürtel’, even stressing that if this scourge has fallen on the concerns of the citizens is because of the “clear and forceful” way in which the PSOE, with him at the helm, reacts to illegal conduct.

“We stop corruption, we do not cover it up,” replied the socialist general secretary when pointed out by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who cursed if Sánchez has taken part in Fuentes’ business. “‘Tito Berni’ is going to bring down this government,” Ayuso came to predict, alluding to the family name of the former deputy under investigation. The PP began this Monday to tighten the siege on the PSOE for the ‘Meditor case’ by announcing that it will appear in the case opened in the Canary Islands for the “possible ‘bites’”, according to the censure of the popular campaign spokesman, Borja Semper. His party believes the response of the socialists is insufficient.

Vox went one step further and took advantage of the record of his motion of censure to justify it, too, because “they have turned Congress into a brothel.”

#Sánchez #Mediator #case #stop #corruption

#Sánchez #Mediator #case #stop #corruption
( With inputs from : pledgetimes.com )

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