Recruitment Agencies Should Not Hire Already Blacklisted Companies : GN Azad


SRINAGAR:  Amid growing resentment and widespread protests by the JKSSB aspirants over latter’s purported hiring of ‘blacklisted’ APTECH company for conducting  various written examinations, Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) patron Ghulam Nabi Azad slammed the authorities for allowing a previously blacklisted agency to operate in Kashmir.

Speaking to media on the sidelines of a function in Sopore , Azad alleged that all the recruitment agencies in Jammu and Kashmir choose to conduct exams through the companies which otherwise have already been rejected and blacklisted by many states. “The trend to hire such companies has resulted in the postponement of exams many times in the last 5 years, something that hasn’t happened in the last 75 years.”

“At a time when thousands of youth are facing trouble in getting jobs, it is beyond one’s understanding as to why the authorities are hiring these blacklisted companies and end up putting the careers of youth at stake” , Azad said, adding, ironically why such blacklisted agencies are being allowed in JK only.

“The government should properly investigate such agencies for the sake of the careers of youth”, he said.

Pertinently, several political leaders, cutting across the party lines have backed the protests by job aspirants and have sought disallowance of the APTECH Company to hold any exams in Jammu and Kashmir. (GNS)

#Recruitment #Agencies #Hire #Blacklisted #Companies #Azad

( With inputs from : )

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