Punishing Relatives Of Militants Against Natural Justice: Omar Abdullah


SRINAGAR: National Conference leader Omar Abdullah Monday said that his party does not believe in the idea of punishing the relatives of militants as it is against natural justice.

He refuted the allegations that previous governments provided jobs to militants. “We did not punish a father for the misdeeds of his son. National Conference will never support a policy that is against natural justice,” Omar said while talking to reporters on the sidelines of a public rally.

Responding to a question on Manoj Sinha’s allegations that previous governments gave jobs to militants, Omar Abdullah said, “We didn’t punish people because they were relatives of militants. It is not fair to punish a father for the crime committed by his son,” Omar said.

Omar said that nobody is supporting or advocating that militants should be given government jobs but at the same time relatives of militants should not be targeted.

He also castigated the government for bringing a blacklisted recruiting job agency to Jammu and Kashmir. “The present government is playing with the future of youth. We want an inquiry on how APTECH, which is blacklisted across the country, was given a contract and where the scams had taken place.”

He alleged that the present dispensation likes to misuse the police and use of police force against the civilian population is really bad. [KNT]

#Punishing #Relatives #Militants #Natural #Justice #Omar #Abdullah

( With inputs from : kashmirlife.net )

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