Prisma investigation: supplementary documents filed with Dybala hearing and secret agreements

Prisma investigation: supplementary documents filed with Dybala hearing and secret agreements


Another thousand pages that contain the work of the prosecutors done between December and January. On the 27th the preliminary hearing for the former Juve management was postponed for trial

The filing of the supplementary deeds with the investigating judge triggers the countdown: less than 27 days to the preliminary hearing of the Prisma Inquiry conducted by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office on Juventus’ financial statements from 2018 to 2021. On 27 March, in fact, the Juventus club and 12 other suspects for whom indictment has been requested, including former president Andrea Agnelli, Pavel Nedved, Maurizio Arrivabene, Fabio Paratici (now at Tottenham) and the lawyer Cesare Gabasio, will face the Marco judge Peak. The accusations made by the magistrates – the deputy Marco Gianoglio, Mario Bendoni and Ciro Santoriello – range from market manipulation to false corporate communications, from obstructing the exercise of supervisory functions to issuing false invoices. In the prosecutors’ sights are the “fictitious capital gains system” and the now well-known “salary maneuver”. The investigation was closed on October 24 with the notification of the requests for indictment. The work of the public prosecutors, however, continued between December and January and is collected in the supplementary documents, a folder of about a thousand pages, filed yesterday with the Marco Picco investigating judge.


What does the new folder contain? The most recent hearings are collected. Including the last one that saw Paulo Dybala as the protagonist, heard in Rome last week by the Guardia di Finanza of Turin on the subject of the second salary maneuver given his summer divorce from Juventus. In recent weeks, the prosecutors of Turin have also listened to the former Juventus manager Maurizio Lombardo, now in Rome, and Rolando Mandragora, Fiorentina midfielder ex Juve.

Private agreements

The new folder also contains the side letters, i.e. the unfiled private agreements, concerning secret agreements with other clubs. Those who have led the Turin prosecutor’s office in recent days to forward the investigation documents to colleagues in other cities so that they can evaluate any criminal profiles against the companies over which they have territorial jurisdiction. The files have been sent to Genoa, Bologna, Udine, Modena, Cagliari and Bergamo because the teams involved are Sampdoria, Bologna, Udinese, Sassuolo, Cagliari and Atalanta. This is the so-called line relating to suspicious partnerships and opaque relationships with companies considered friends, on which the federal prosecutor has also opened a file (but here we are still in the preliminary investigation phase). The various prosecutors will have to establish whether they too are guilty of false accounting, even though they are not listed on the stock exchange.

Former board member

Several pages are dedicated to Daniela Marilungo (for 8 hours in the prosecutor’s office in January), the member of the last Andrea Agnelli board of directors who resigned on November 28, on the day of the corporate tsunami which effectively led to the elimination of the old management. The supplementary deeds, which complete the investigation in view of the preliminary hearing on 27 March, also include the depositions of Maria Cristina Zoppo and Alessandro Forte, the two members of the board of statutory auditors, who took a step back after the approval of the financial statements at 30 June 2022 on 27 December last.

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#Prisma #investigation #supplementary #documents #filed #Dybala #hearing #secret #agreements
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