What is PHP ?
PHP Stands For Hyper Text Pre-Processor, is a Server Side Scripting Language Which is Used Widely Across Different Sites as A Backend Language.
PHP is a very Popular Language and is used to handle the backend logic, Connecting with Databases, and handling Html Forms and Actions Dynamically.
PHP Syntax ?
PHP is a much closer to base languages in terms of code written like c++ etc.
//This is A Comment and is ignored While Execution
/* This is a Multi-line Comment
and is Also Ignored While Compiling/Execution */
//Creating A Simple Variable in PHP
$var_name = 1;
//String Example
$name = "Aioexperts";
//creating hello world function
function sayHelloWorld(){
echo "Hello, World " . "<br>";
//calling the Above Function
//creating function with parameters / Non Returning
function print_name($n){
$name = $n;
echo $name . "<br>"
//calling above print_name function