喜穴係一個以知識主導嘅情趣生活空間。我哋提供嘅, 唔止於情趣玩意,成人用品同性玩具。

About Pleasure Point 喜穴嘅背後,係一班各有所長,同時又擁有共同理念同 熱情嘅人,目標就係要將性歡愉、性健康、性知識,大 大力咁咁宣揚開去!所以喺喜穴,你得到嘅除咗係優質 情趣用品,成人用品同性玩具,仲有終身受用嘅性歡愉 建議、性健康知識同情趣生活貼士。 想要享受性歡愉,首要條件係了解身體。每個人身體、 喜好大有不同,所以喜穴團隊第一件事,就係去悉心了 解每一位踏入喜穴嘅朋友。喜穴係一個聚腳點,讓大家 可以自由開放,坦誠不諱咁分享生活趣事。 Note : This article is part of sponsored content programme.

Experts term CBSE’s class 12 evaluation formula ‘time-bound’ but ‘far from fair’

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The evaluation formula decided by CBSE for class 12 students has evoked mixed reaction from experts, with some hailing it as an “unbiased and time-bound” method and others terming it “far from being fair”, saying students showing progress over a period of time will be at a disadvantage. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) informed the … Read more

SAC approves Srinagar Master Plan-2035: New Master Plan includes 766 Sq Km area for projected population of 3.5 mn

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JAMMU, FEBRUARY 21: The State Administrative Council (SAC) under the chairmanship of Governor, Satya Pal Malik has approved Srinagar Master Plan-2035 along with the recommendations by the Committee constituted by Government for the scrutiny of objections and suggestions received from stakeholders. Master Plan Srinagar-2035 is a comprehensive planning exercise for ensuring sustainable development of the … Read more