Named a way to extend the life of a million Muscovites

Named a way to extend the life of a million Muscovites


Rakova: a project of proactive dispensary dynamic observation was launched in Moscow

All adult polyclinics in Moscow have launched a unique project for proactive dispensary dynamic monitoring, which will help increase the life expectancy of Muscovites with chronic diseases and significantly improve its quality. Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development, spoke about this.

Proactive dynamic monitoring implies monitoring the patient’s condition not from appointment to appointment, but constantly, in dynamics. If doctors see in the electronic medical record the fact of calling an ambulance or a doctor at home, they will immediately invite the patient to an appointment.

Specially trained medical assistants constantly keep in touch with Muscovites. They should engage people in their health care, promote responsible attitude to medical advice and prescriptions, and help with appointments and research.

In fact, we are creating a system of caring for the patient’s health, where the key links are the patient himself, the doctor and the doctor’s assistant. There are currently 400 Physician Assistants on staff, and if necessary, we will increase the number of such specialists to 600.

Anastasia RakovaVice Mayor of Moscow

The vice-mayor emphasized that control over the condition, timely intake of drugs and the introduction of healthy habits allows a person to live a full life. Now about a million Muscovites with chronic diseases are under proactive dispensary follow-up for nine nosologies. They were determined on the basis of an analysis of the main causes of death at home. Thus, the program included such diseases as type II diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation and flutter, chronic heart failure and others. For patients with two or more chronic diseases, a unified dispensary observation program is provided with a mandatory consultation of narrow specialists.

As part of the project, each patient receives an individual monitoring program with scheduled dispensary appointments, mandatory examinations and consultations of narrow specialists. If necessary, the doctor can make his own adjustments. Before each appointment and examination, the patient receives an SMS notification. The Dispensary Observation digital service, which operates on the basis of EMIAS, helps doctors manage patients.

Everything is displayed in the new section of the electronic medical record “My dispensary observation”: from the name of the doctor to the appointments. Muscovites also have the opportunity to download their dispensary observation program in PDF format. Patients can also enter their health indicators into the electronic medical record.

“The electronic medical record and dispensary observation program allows doctors and nurses to have access to patient information in real time, which makes it possible to quickly respond to any changes in the patient’s health. The project has great potential and makes a significant contribution to improving the quality of care for patients with chronic diseases,” said Pavel Gulyaev, chief physician of Diagnostic Center No. 5.

Earlier, Vice Mayor Anastasia Rakova said that since 2023, dispensary observation is included in the list of free services under the CHI policy. For medical institutions, a separate tariff for comprehensive dispensary observation is introduced in addition to per capita funding, so that they are interested in managing patients with chronic diseases.

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