Monitoring, Implementing Projects: Govt Forms PPCPA, Steering Committee


Srinagar, Jan 27 (GNS): Government on Friday constituted Public Private Partnership cum Project Appraisal Cell (PPCPA) and Steering Committee in the Planning Development & Monitoring Department for overseeing the selection, formulation and implementation of the projects to be undertaken by different departments.

According to a government order, a copy of which lies with GNS, Public Private Partnership cum Project Appraisal Cell (PPCPA) will have Team Leader, Urban Development Expert, Procurement Expert, Support Personnel (Infrastructure Expert), Planning cum Housing Expert, Transport Expert, Industries cum Tourism Expert, Social Sector Expert, Finance/Appraisal Expert, PPP Expert, Environment Expert and MIS/Network Manager. ”The actual filling of positions in PPCPA shall be on the basis of Project Requirement and manpower support received from NITI Aayog/DEA, GoI from time to time.”

Terms of reference of the PPCPA Cell include among others to seek qualified professionals as Consultants, Domain Experts to be housed in the PPCPA for institutional, regulatory and procedural reforms and to work towards standardization of PPP documents, develop concession agreements in different sectors, appraisal of projects, framing of Standard Bid Documents, scrutinizing the cost escalation proposals and preparation of shelf of projects.

It has been also tasked with building the capacity of the government to handhold various departments in identification, preparation and implementation of projects under PPP mode; Process cases under viability gap funding (VGF) under various PPP schemes of GOI; Appraise the project reports/DPRs costing more than 10 crore (or as deemed fit by the Govt.); Carry out Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)/Return on Investment (ROI) of the project and Providing assistance in engagement of project specific Transactional Advisor, as per requirement.

The six-member Steering committee for PPP projects will be headed by Chief Secretary as chairman, according to the order with Global News Agency. Its members include Administrative Secretaries of Finance Department Revenue Department, Planning Development & Monitoring Department (Member Secretary) and Secretary, Law, Justice& Parliamentary Affairs Department besides Administrative Secretary of concerned implementing Department
The terms of reference steering committee includes among others to oversee the selection, formulation and implementation of the projects to be undertaken by the line departments and approve the projects for funding under Viability Gap Funding scheme of GOI and other source of funding. The other terms of references include approving the quantum of Viability funding for recommendation to DEA, Ministry of Finance, GoI as well as to approve the UT share of Viability Gap Funding as per norms of viability Gap Funding scheme notified by DEA, GoI within the budgetary provisions. Besides, it is tasked with to deal with any other issue related to successful implementation of PPP projects. “All PPP projects shall be undertaken after seeking approval of the competent authority,” the order added. (GNS)

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