Mumbai: After nearly 3 months, the popular cooking reality show MasterChef India season 7 is set to pull its curtains after announcing the winner’s name tonight. The grand finale episode of the show will be telecast on Sony Entertainment Television and Sony Liv app. It will be live-streamed at 9 pm and is expected to be 2 hours long.
As the finale is just a few hours away, the excitement and anticipation among the fans are palpable. The audience is eager to know who will be crowned the winner of the latest season and take home a whopping amount of prize money.
Top 3 Finalists
Post Aruna Vijay’s elimination, MasterChef India 7 got its top 3 finalists of the season who will compete tonight to grab the trophy. They are —
- Santa Sharma
- Nayanjyoti Saikia
- Suvarna Bagul
MasterChef India 7 Winner, Runner-up names
According to inside sources and a leaked photo from the finale shoot, MasterChef India 7 winner is Nayanjyoti Saikia from Assam. According to sources close to the show, Santa Sharma will likely end up in second position, while Suvarna might walk home with the second runner-up title (third position). However, the official announcement will be made in tonight’s episode only.
Stay tuned to Siasat.com for more interesting scoops and updates on reality shows.
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( With inputs from www.siasat.com )