Lazio-Sampdoria, Sarri to Sky: “Not 100% but a serious match, Luis…”


The words of the biancoceleste coach who spoke from the belly of the Olimpico shortly after the triple whistle in the match against the blucerchiati

There Lazio wins three very heavy points against Sampdoria at the end of a difficult race. The biancocelesti leave the Stadio Olimpico victorious thanks to a marvel from Luis Alberto who scores the final 1-0 for Lazio. At the end of the race Maurice Sarri spoke to the microphones of Sky to analyze the performance of your team. These are the words of the Biancoceleste coach.

“It was also normal that we weren’t at our peak. We had 5-6 players on the pitch who had played on Thursday and we forced some returns like Sergio, Zaccagni and Pedro. It was clear you could leave something but I liked the attitude. excluding ten minutes of heeling at the beginning of the second half. Not a game played at 100% of our possibilities but certainly a serious game. It became a ‘dirty’ victory even if we had 8-9 goals, so it could have become a victory ‘in the clean’. I didn’t convince Luis Alberto, he knows what I’m asking. And at a certain point of the season I saw him train in a different way, with a determination that I hadn’t seen in him and I’m happy that by changing the way working out is having an amazing time.

Naples? We always happen to play against teams that played a couple of days before us. But I also understand that formulating a calendar in this bedlam of matches is difficult. We will go there and play it, knowing that they are stronger than us. But that doesn’t mean you can deny a philosophy because we face a stronger team. Then there is the fact that they play a lot more because this season they are a team far superior to all the others.

They made a policy of extreme courage, giving up players of a certain age who had done very well. And they went to get young players who had done very well, someone unknown. Giuntoli is a master at this, I was confident he would find strong players. So strong, however, it was difficult to predict. Then, as regards the Napoli fans… I was a Napoli fan as a child and I felt like one of them.

The fans always give us a hand, when we play at home the atmosphere is always like this. But also away from home: we played a match in Romania with 500 Lazio fans. So we can’t ask him anything more.”

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#LazioSampdoria #Sarri #Sky #match #Luis
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